Applications in Construction Industry

Oxygen: Used in cutting and welding applications for the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures. It is also used in the production of concrete and other construction materials.

Acetylene: Used in cutting and welding applications for the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures. It is often used in conjunction with oxygen to create a high-temperature flame.

Nitrogen: Used in the construction industry for purging and pressure testing applications. It is often used to create an inert atmosphere during pipeline and plumbing installation.

Carbon Dioxide: Used in the construction industry for cooling and freezing applications. It is often used to freeze soil for excavation or to cool concrete during the curing process.

Helium: Used in leak detection applications during the installation of plumbing and HVAC systems in buildings.

Specialty gases like sulphur hexafluoride: Used in leak detection applications and as insulating materials for electrical equipment used in construction.